August 2017
Shaping and Applying the Technology of the Future
An article was written by Simon Payne and was first published in The Planner magazine in August 2017.
If you wish to reproduce the artice, please contact The Planner's editor on
July 2017
Uttlesford Economic Development Strategy & Action Plan 2018-21
Simon has been commissioned to help prepare a new Economic Development Strategy to support Sustainable Business Growth in Uttlesford.
Working with Simon Jackson, Uttlesford Economic Development Officer, he is to prepare a report for consideration by the elected members in October 2017.
The Strategy is action orientated and will help promote significant levels of business growth.
June 2017
Digital Capital of Germany
Earlier this year Heidelberg was shortlisted, along with four other cities, as Digital Capital of Germany. The Award of Digital Capital was run by the Bitkom organisation and it was aimed at cities of around 150,000 people. The other four cities were Wolfsberg, Kaiserslautern and Paderborn with Darmstadt (home of the European Space Operations Centre) being the winner.
Heideberg put in a very strong bid for the Digital Capital Award. The decision to go for the Award followed work on a Smart City Vision for Heidelberg by Lambsquay Consulting of Cambridge Limited.
Heidelberg continues to be a leading city for smart technology and an exemplar of partnership working.
May 2017
#smartforfuture Cities London Conference
In May 2017 Simon chaired two sessions of the #SmarttoFuture Cities Conference in central London. The Conference was attended by over 200 delegates from all over Europe.
A lively discussion took place about how to describe Future Cities and the term ‘Agile Cities’ was favoured. Eldar Tuzmukhamedov presented the approach in Moscow to public- private partnerships. Petrat Dirk described Hamburg’s initiative to E-Culture including augmented reality that allows visitors to view archive photographs in current settings. Renata Dameri from Genoa gave an excellent talk about measuring the real benefits of technological change for citizens.
All in all a really interesting and inspiring conference.
March 2017
Thinking across boundaries through the lens of smart solutions
In March 2017 Simon was interviewed about the role of his consultancy company.
The interview can be watched below;
March 2017
Smart City Vision for Heidelberg
Simon recently completed his report for the Mayor of Heidelberg on a proposed Smart City Vision.
Simon presented the Vision to a Citizens’ Forum in Heidelberg on 22 February.
January 2017
Future Cities Forum Discusses Simon's Vision
Future Cities Forum’s Heather Fearfield recently published an article on Simon’s work on the Future Cities Forum website.
The article entitled "Can smart technology benefit everyone?" can be found here:
December 2016
Smart Distinctiveness by Design
Simon has been invited to contribute to a blog on the British Academy website setting out his ideas about ‘Smart Distinctiveness by Design’ and the challenge of shaping globalised new technology to meet the needs of local communities and thereby safeguarding the special character of each our cities.
A link to the article can be found below:
October 2016
Briefing Senior Chinese City Officials
Simon has contributed a number of times to a Programme run by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. In Particular in Autumn 2016 Simon made a presentation to delegates from the Beijing Municipal Government on the topic of Risk Management in the Digital Age. He briefed delegates on his experience of citizen engagement in Birmingham, Cambridge and Heidelberg and how smart technology can address resilience issues by allowing decision makers to share information and to engage with the public.
September 2016
A Strategy for Heidelberg
Simon has been commissioned by the Mayor of Heidelberg, Professor Dr Eckart Würzner, to provide consultancy advice on smart city thinking in drafting a strategy for Heidelberg. The city is committed to world class standards in environmental sustainability, economic vitality and a high quality of life for all the communities in the city. The strategy will set out the principles that will be applied to deliver this vision.
September 2016
Uttlesford Local Plan Support
Simon has recently been commissioned to provide project management support and planning policy advice to support Uttlesford District Council in preparing a new local plan for the district. The local plan will set out the spatial strategy for the period up until 2033.
Thursday 15th September 2016
Chinese business website publishes article by Simon
Simon focuses on the future of creating knowledge led cities for a Chinese based audience. It has been published on the Chinese Business Gazette website.
Link to full article : CBG Article Link
Wednewday 3rd August 2016
Cambridge's Simon Payne leaves Council to set up Smart City Consultancy
After 41 years in local government Simon Payne has stepped down as Director of Environment at Cambridge City Council. This has allowed him to set up his long term goal Lambsquay Consultancy of Cambridge. Planning Magazine caught up with Simon and covered the move in a published article. Link to article:
Simon Payne
Director of Lambsquay Consulting of Cambridge Limited
Email contact:
Spatial Planning Consultancy
Company no: 10051825